Saturday, May 19, 2012

Review: The Avengers

The Avengers:

The Avengers is rated Worth It.


I liked this movie. It took the other Marvel movies that have come out in the last 5 years (Iron Man, Captain America, and Thor) and tied them together in one movie. The plot is more-or-less what you would expect: Loki from Thor steals the plot macguffin, and is working with aliens to take over the Earth, so Samuel L Jackson gets the heroes from the other Marvel movies together to stop him. Initially, the heroes don't trust each other (of course) or Samuel L. Jackson (he working for a government agency called Shield, and they were using the plot macguffin to make weapons) but they overcome that and defeat the alien invasion at the end of the movie.

The movie felt a little rushed in places, especially towards the big alien fight, and they glossed over certain things. But these can be forgiven, as A: this is a mindless action movie, and B: this is based of a comic book. These kind of liberties are often taken in these mediums.

The special effects are up to par with the other Marvel movies, and the fighting was pretty good. The also plot wasn't to bad. Also, there were no real slow parts in the movie.

Overall, Worth It.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Review: Dark Shadows

Dark Shadows:

Dark Shadows is rated not worth it.


This movie had the potential to be a decent movie. In fact, it had the potential to be two decent movies -and that was it's problem. It wanted to be a parody of Dark Shadows, while at the same time being Dark Shadows. Unfortunately, it didn't work.

The main problem it had is that the movie would go along, re-telling the story of Dark Shadows (which is about a cursed family who have a vampire ancestor that is unearthed, and helps rebuild the family fortune), but then one of the "funny" vampire guy doesn't understand the 1970's parody bits would happen, which deflated the drama of the scene rather than adding to it. On top of that, some of the "funny" bits were cringe-worthy, and made me face-palm more than once.

The final problem this movie had was the ending - the movie kind of fell apart here, and they relied on some ass-pulls to keep it going. For example, the rebellious teenage daughter was suddenly revealed to be a werewolf, with no hints beforehand that she was a werewolf.

Overall, I initially considered this a Not Worth It (except for Dark Shadows fans), but I realized this movie will probably cheese off Dark Shadows fans; so just a Not Worth It for everybody. Also, Tim Burton and Johnny Depp - you can do better than this.