Saturday, June 16, 2012

Review: Men in Black 3

Men in Black 3:

Men in Black 3 is rated Worth It.

Of all the spoilers in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine.

MiB3 - what can you say? I really didn't like it in the beginning 20 minutes or so. It was a little too cheesy, and had a couple scenes that made me facepalm. Then Will Smith went back in time...And the movie got good after that.

The story is pretty simple - An alien Tommy Lee Jones caught in 1969 escapes from prison, travels back in time and kills TLJ. Will Smith is able to remember TLJ due to plot convenience, and travels back to rescue him.

Other than that there is not much too say - this is one of those movies where saying anything kinda gives it away. It isn't the best movie - especially towards the beginning - but overall it is enjoyable. My only other major problem is that it wasn't very memorable - except for a few scenes towards the end, it just doesn't stick in my mind.

So, Worth It.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Review: Prometheus


Prometheus is rated Not Worth It.

Dees are some nice spoilers. Be a shame if somethin' happened to them.

Damn it, the Alien movie franchise is dead, can we stop trying to resuscitate its decaying corpse?  This movie isn't exactly helping; the whole point of this movie was to explain where the Aliens came from, which it did - in the last freaking minute of the movie. (Literally, the last minute of the last scene). Other than that take Aliens (the second Alien movie), remove the aliens from it, and pad the parts without the aliens with some pseudo-philosophical crap, and that's what this movie is.

On top of it being Aliens without the aliens, it had some pretty stupid plot holes. For instance, early on in the movie the characters encounter the old alien space ship (human aliens, not the HR Giger ones) they discover that the place still has breathable air. So they take off the helmets of their space suits. Because there totally couldn't be any alien bio weapons in the cargo hold of the ship that can infect them...OH WAIT THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT THERE WAS. (In fairness to the movie, that is not what gets most of them, but c'mon people - did you hit your head when you went into the cave that was the spaceship?)
Another part is when they find one of the human aliens and release him from cryo stasis - in spite of the fact that they already freaking knew that this was an alien warship, and that it was carrying bio-weapons to attack Earth with, and that the human alien would, therefore, not exactly be up for a chat over tea when they woke him up.
Yet another thing is the alien himself - he woke up, attacks and kills everybody in the same room as him on the ship, and hops in the pilot seat and takes off to drop the bio-weapons on Earth. OK, A. Why didn't you check the ship to make sure that they didn't, say plant a bomb to destroy your engines or something (they didn't, the characters were nearly as dumb as the alien. In fact, the only weapons they brought were pistols and flamethrowers!), B. Shoot their ship so they couldn't, oh I dont know, suicide ram your ship with theirs, and cause you to crash (which is what they did do) and C. Play along, and find a way to wake up the other people on the other ships in your fleet and EASILY OVERPOWER THE SMALL CREW OF 17 PEOPLE ON THE ONE SHIP THEY BROUGHT! Also, it didn't cross your mind that, oh they were able send a ship across interstellar space maybe they might have a FREAKING FLEET OF SHIPS TO PROTECT EARTH WITH? OR THAT THEY HAVE MASTERED TECHNOLOGY FAR ENOUGH THAT THEY MIGHT JUST NUKE YOU, CONSIDERING THAT THEY HAD DEVELOPED INTERSTELLAR TRAVEL, AND THAT NUCLEAR/FUSION TECHNOLOGY WOULD BE NECESSARY FOR THAT? Did you think that you could take on Earth WITH YOUR ONE SHIP?

So, in short Not Worth It.