Saturday, March 10, 2012

Obligatory Welcome Post

Hello! Welcome to Movies Gone To Hec(k)!

Back in August of 2011, I went to Gen-Con - and it SUCKED. While I was there, I went to a movie theater and watched movies to kill time. After I came home, I realized that I loved watching movies in the theater, and started going and watching movies down at the theaters in Wenatchee. Since then, I have seen more movies in theaters over the last 8 months than I have over the previous 10 years on anything. After seeing so many movies, I figured - Hey, why not start reviewing them?

Hence, this blog.

I also plan on review older movies, and also use this the post any random thing, or rant about whatever I want to. But primarily, this is for movies.

So sit back, and hopefully enjoy my reviews!

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