Saturday, March 10, 2012

Review: John Carter

OK, John Carter

John Carter is rated worth it.

Oh, and potential spoilers. If you don't want spoilers, go watch the movie.

It starts off with Edgar Rice Burrows reading the story in John Carter's journal. It goes into a plot setup flash back showing John finding his gold strike that is the basis of his fortune, and that he is a bad ass from the get-go. After that, a sword and sorcery/sandals movie takes place ON MARRRRRRRS, complete with John marrying the hot alien princess.  After that a creepy elder race priest sends him back to Earth. Movie ends with him getting back to Mars.

The story has no surprises in it, except possibly the ending, but I don't hold that against it - it is based off of a book that came out in 1917, after all. The CGI wasn't too bad - I have seen much worse (I'm looking at you, The Thing remake), and the action wasn't boring (I'm look at you, Immortals). It even has a few funny moments, but they were brief and added to the movie. The plot also wasn't too bad and didn't have any major plot holes - something that enrages me about any movie (I'm looking at you, Don't Be Afraid of the Dark).

So overall, worth the ticket, ice cream Nibbs,  root beer and time I spent on it.

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